How to balance your work, triathlon training and life?

By Deon Richter
My name is Deon Richter. I am a productivity coach, A husband, a father, VP of Sales for an international tech startup. I am a triathlete training for world champs. I serve on 3 boards, MC events and assist people in their life’s journeys (as a Life coach)- as you can imagine, like yours, my life is pretty hectic… So how do I find the time, how do I Balance this Rush of life in order to feel the sense of accomplishment and Success. And better yet, how do I do it without feeling burned out.
I Once heard a proud dad saying that: ”His son (some people- certain Triathletes can relate) wakes up before most people go to work and even before most people expect or ask for a miracle in the day. And with the re-statement I can find some truth.
Wake Up Early
We see it, we do it and we often experience that if you want to get more things done, you need to wake up earlier to do so. So what is the purpose of waking up early?
- More time for yourself
- More time to exercise
- Less time in traffic
- More time to get things done
- Better sleep (more energy)
- Helps you concentrate
Although most of the above mentioned are true, the problem is that without Time management, Balance and especially purpose (including discipline) most of these items can actually lead to burnout, stress and not be sustainable. There is 100% truth to that, but also only valuable when it is done with purpose and balance- otherwise you simply burn out. Finding balance is key.
Daily Plan
What should be included in my day and how do I make it balance? Things that I include in my daily balance planning:
- Nutritional Plan / Eating plans and habits
- Triathlon Training
- Work (yes, I have a day-day)
- Quiet time
- Study/Reading (To enable me to keep on growing)
- Hobbies (this can align with training or other aspects)
- Family, Friends and community
- Relax/ Personal (might include training and Hobbies or even friends and family)
Very interesting to take note on how some of these things can overlap, automatically if executed well, can actually free up time. To fit all of them in You need to be aware of the cost implication, for you and for others. What elements are time specific? What elements can/need to include others?( and in the same sense exclude them.) How does your family feel about it and where do they fit in?
These are my items, maybe you can relate or maybe you have a completely different set? And that's fine. So how do I practically fit it all in? Do I fit it all in everyday? HECK NO, but every week? Well , maybe to a yes.
So here is my example of a normal week, the days look different so as an example I have briefly in overview logged on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this past week:
Week Schedule
MON:- 4:30 AM - Quite time
- 5:30-7am- Running Vo2 max sets
- 7-8Am- Breakfast with the family (my attention was present)
- 8-4pm Meetings and work.
- During the working hours I managed to also add:
- 20min research and development
- 20min Social media time
- Lunch time I did a relaxed swim. (Recovery for training, and personal switched off brain for myself)
- 4-5:30pm- Quality time with wife and baby (attention present)
- 5:30-8pm- Friends over for dinner
- 8-8:30pm: Personal time, played some guitar, just self reflected
- 8;30-9pm- Prep and packed for the next day
- 9pm-10pm Read , chatted about our day- bed time.
- 4:30 Am- Quite time
- 5:30-7am- community cycle (inclusive)
- 7-8am- Breakfast with family and played some guitar
- 8-10 am- Swimming training
- 10-4pm- Work and meetings
- During working hours:
- Lunch break Coffee with wife
- Spontaneous play 10min play time with my daughter
- 4-5:30pm- Running training
- 5:30- 8pm- friends and family dinner
- 8-9pm Prep, pack and plan
- 9-10pm- Sports highlights, bed and chats
- 4:30 am: Read , study, podcasts
- 6am- 8am Family time
- 8-9 am - Farm work/ field work
- 9-4pm Work (getting everything done, planned and ready for the new week)
- 4pm- 6pm- Hike/walk with the family (maybe a jog)
- 7-10pm Running and Gym training
Once you know what time you should have available you need to make it practical, everything you do, needs purpose and ought to carry significance. Make sure you have the energy to do the things that matter (to yourself and to others). It takes 21 days to form a habit that:- Snoozing your alarm should not be an option, once you snooze you truly loose
- Don't burn out! Re-evaluate and listen to your health
- Prep work to do the night before so that you can get at it from the get go
If you’d like to talk to me more about the Balance Program, you can find me here